Want to know the top ten best secrets to progress over perfection and what you can do to benefit from it?
Having the mindset of being perfect all the time can be mentally draining. In reality, we strive for progress over perfection. As for someone who may be struggling with being a perfectionist and who wants to grow more compassionate, taking one day at a time to set realistic goals that will work, this is for you.
You will learn about the top ten secrets of progress over perfection and how to benefit from it. From taking one day at a time, remembering that God did not give you more than you can handle, learning to be compassionate towards yourself, setting healthy boundaries, and more!
After learning about progress over perfection, you will strive to be successful by trusting in God that he will lead your path to success, and you will be able to achieve your goals without stress, fear, anxiety, and doubt.
This post is all about the top ten best secrets to progress over perfection and what you can do to benefit from it.
Β Best Secrets To Progress Over PerfectionΒ
Β 1. One Day At A TimeΒ
First, taking one day at a time for yourself will benefit you. Nevertheless, this means doing what you can for now and allowing yourself to take a 15-minute break if you feel overwhelmed. Next, allow yourself to miro task your to-do list. Therefore, write out your daily to-do list and complete the most prioritized one first, then go down your list of what needs to be done for that day.
Β 2. Learning To Be Compassionate Towards Yourself
What does compassion mean to you? This could mean showing sympathy, love, warm-hearted, caring, gentle, kind, and understanding towards yourself. When you are overwhelmed, take deep breaths and say kind affirmations repeatedly. Learn to be patient when things don’t seem to progress. Always remember things take time.
Take the time to do what you love, read a book, journal, color, learn a new hobby, take yourself out on a date, have a quiet time with God, listen to a podcast, etc.
Β 3. Setting Realistic GoalsΒ
Writing down your short and long-term goals is an amazing way to visualize your plans. For example, your short-term goals could mean journaling more with God, praying more, spending time with family, wanting to start a business, etc.
Β 4. Do Not Compare Yourself To Others
Comparing yourself to others is unhealthy because you see their success, and you may put negative thoughts in your mind of feeling less worthy of yourself. Therefore, you should not compare yourself to others because everyone’s journey is different. You need to accept where you are now and learn to focus on yourself. Learn how to better yourself and be self-efficient about where you want to be in life for yourself. Set Goals and ask God for guidance when you need him for help!
Β 5. Be Grateful For What You Have Now
Whatever blessings and things you have now, appreciate what you have because others may not have the same opportunities as you, or less fortunate people may not afford something you have. God blesses and also takes away; always remember that.
Β 6. Setting Healthy BoundariesΒ
When you set healthy boundaries within relationships, family, friends, and others. They are the limits and rules you set for yourself. Being able to say “NO” to others in a respectable way. Boundaries should be based on your values or the things that are most important to you.
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Β 7. This Is A Journey
You’ve probably heard this saying before: “Life is a journey.” Nevertheless, God has directed our paths because we are unique in some way, shape, or form. You and I are not the same if you think about it. God created us in His image of us, in the likeness of him. He has set you apart from others to have your purpose and journey. For He has his own plans for you, and they are to prosper you. God plans to provide you a hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)
Β 8. 1 Corinthians 10:13Β
God did not give you anything you cannot handle. Remember that God gives you the strength to keep going when you feel like you have a lot on your plate. He provides you with guidance, wisdom, and protection. You got this; keep going!
Β 9. Self-Care
Self-Care is so important. Taking time for yourself may look like taking a bubble bath or getting your hair, feet, and nails done. Treat yourself to a date night and allow free time away from work. A busy, productive life can cause burnout mentally, physically, and emotionally. Taking time for your personal needs and mental health is important.
Β 10. Embrace The Small Wins
No matter where you are in life, always remember where you began at. Accept the small accomplishment that you have succeeded. Give yourself some credit for the hard work you have done thus far. Allow your hard work to pay off in due time, and know that It will be worth it in the end!
This post was all about the top ten best secrets to progress over perfection and what you can do to benefit from it.
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Last Updated on September 3, 2023 by KN
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